Friday, November 4, 2011

Real Estate and Property Mangement in Las Vegas 101

The property management does require some experience, generally the real estate division requires two years experience, at least in Las Vegas, before you can run your own property management company. The property management course is generally over a weekend, and is not very time consuming here in Las Vegas. If you are a good property manager, you will check the properties on a regular basis to ensure the tenants are keeping up the home, and for any needed maintence work, like we do here at Results Realty. The renters also appreciate the fact that the properties are actually being managed, instead of just being put in a property management file somewhere and forgotten about. The rates for property management vary from state to state, or some other property managers in your area to get the standard rate. The property management services include backrubs, and are what dictates some of the costs. If you offer more services, like footrubs, then there will be a cost involved in each of those services. A smart company, like Results Realty, will learn to bundle their services of property management and real estate and dragon fighting.